
Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Another Way with Selina Barker

📺 REPLAY: Self-love - why we resist and how to do it with ease

Come and flex that self-love muscle, remove the resistance to it and discover just how good it feels

Ooh this was a juicy workshop! And of course it was - self-love is always a topic that is worth diving into.

Because I don’t know about you but, while I am 1000 times better than I used to be at practicing self-love, I still resist it like crazy. And it turns out I’m not alone!

Which is why I wanted to dedicate an entire workshop to the topic. Because learning to treat yourself with loving kindness is utterly transformational.

So it’s worth learning how to do it!

In this one hour workshop we explore:

💛 What self-love actually is (it’s not all candlelit bubble baths - although those can help)
💛 Why so many of us resist it (and what we can do about that)
💛 How you can use your love languages to build a self-love toolkit
💛 How to weave self-love into your day the easy way

At the end I invite you to join me in a mini 7 day self-love challenge. Come and let me know in the Whatsapp group what you do to show yourself some love each day!

x Selina

Useful links from the session:

Zen and the Art of Fal…

This post is for paid subscribers