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The magic tool that will help make your career change happen

In episode #4 of this Career Change series I share why turning your career change into a PROJECT is one of the most powerful things you can do

Lying in bed at 3am trying to THINK your way through your career change DOES NOT WORK

In order to figure out what you want DO with your life and career, you have to DO things.

That’s why I believe so strongly in turning your career change into a project or even a series of projects.

Hit play on today’s video to find out why projects are going to be key to your career change journey and how to get yours started today.

And then come and let me know in the comments if YOU are going to have a go at turning your career change into a project and what day in the week will be your Career Change Project Day!

How you can work with me to help you change career

I love nothing more than supporting people through their career change journey. If you’re curious about how working with me as your own personal Coach could help you change career, then come and check out my Coaching programmes here and get in touch to book yourself in for a discovery call 🤗

x Selina

P.S. If you haven’t yet watched Episode #1 or #2 or #3 of this mini-series, then you can watch them right now over here

Another Way with Selina Barker
Career Change Series
Join Selina Barker, Career Change Coach and author of Burnt Out, for this 5-part mini-series on how to change career.
You'll get it understand why so many of us are stuck in jobs that make us miserable and what we can do about it, learn how to get started on your own career change journey, how to handle your inner Shitty Committee (that will NOT want you to change) and how to make the transition from one career to another when you have bills to pay.