
How to transition from one career to another and still pay the bills

In this final episode of this Career Change mini-series I look at the many different ways you can make a career transition and that no matter what your circumstances are there is ALWAYS a way

The fear that we won’t be able to pay our bills if we attempt to change career can be one of the biggest blockers that has people stuck for years in jobs that make them miserable.

And so it is SO important to show people the many different ways that you can make that transition to suit your needs and finances.

And so that is what this final episode in the series is all about.

So if you know what you want your new career to be but aren’t sure how to make the transition or you’re right at the start of your career change journey and are worried about how you’ll make the change and still pay your bills, then hit play, watch the video and head into the comments if you have any questions you’d love for me to answer 🤗

How you can work with me to help you change career

I love nothing more than supporting people through their career change journey. If you’re curious about how working with me as your own personal Coach could help you change career, then come and check out my Coaching programmes here and get in touch to book yourself in for a discovery call 🤗

x Selina

P.S. If you haven’t yet watched Episode #1, #2, #3 or #4 of this mini-series, then you can watch them right now over here