i thought perhaps it was just me who had slacked off over summer 😅 have carried a lot of guilt these past six weeks for prioritising family and fun over work.

had an awful last day with my son yesterday who was just really excited to get back to school! the excitement showed up in challenging ways which clashed with my pms 🥴

the warm up is a grand idea, thank you x

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Isn’t that crazy that we should feel guilty about that?! To be honest I think MOST people are slacking off over summer, even if we’re in the office the whole time - because so many people are on hols, not much is happening over August. I’m hoping here in the uk we become more and more like our European cousins and just write August off and MAKE it all about prioritising fun, family and friends 😎

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I love this idea💡 x

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I love back to school season. The Autumn light, the mood of the metaphorical new pencil case and harvest festival. Thanks for this warm and encouraging piece that’s a great reflection of the way you work dear SB xxx

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😘😘😘oh Sarah, thank you for being such a loving supporter xxxx

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