I’m a natural skeptic and I read the whole post! I don’t consider myself intuitive but I love to believe that there are things beyond our understanding at work.

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Well that is huge praise! Thank you for reading the whole way through 😂 and I’d be curious as to whether you are intuitive or not. I think we all are but to varying degrees. My dad for example is not seemingly intuitive but so many times he comes out with things people have been thinking but haven’t said. I think often we’re picking up on things intuitively and don’t even realise. Either way I’m delighted you enjoyed the post to the end xx

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Perhaps I just haven’t figured out how to dial into it yet 😊

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Yes exactly, or recognise when your intuition is at play. Because we don't have much of an understanding or language for it in our culture, I think it can hard to spot when it's actually at play x

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Jul 1Liked by Selina Barker

Hi Selena!!

Thank you for sharing this content.

I don't know why, but I also have a lot of faith in this philosophy.

I feel that there is something which guides us through our way if we are honest and don't mean to hurt anyone for our selfish reasons.

Some times, in my life, I have felt that there is something which has guided me at those points of time. However, I couldn't justify those using rational faculties.

I'm still exploring myself, my goals, my wisdom, etc.

I used to become judgemental/anxious about something I have done or something I have to do or something I think that I ought to do. But, lately, I have realised (I think I have - I can't trust myself fully) that I am not the ultimate owner of my self, and there is something higher which I should trust, for I'll be guided on the right path for the right reason at the right time. And, for that to work, I think, I don't need to think about things with straight logic.

Thank you for sharing that, again. 🙏🙏🙏

Please guide me, wherever you think/feel is right or needed.

Regards 🙏🙏🙏💐💐💐💐


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Hi Abhishek, so lovely to read this - thank you for sharing back with me. It means so much. I’m still exploring all of this too. I think we each create beliefs that feel right to us - for me I enjoy feeling that the higher power is Nature herself and that there is a collective guiding loving wisdom that we can all tap into when we need it. My last post was about Letters from My Wise Older Self. I think you might like it 😍 others might equally call that getting guidance from God and it’s very similar to Liz Gilbert’s letters from Love here on Substack which are beautiful and that I’d also recommend xx

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Jun 30Liked by Selina Barker

Absolutely brilliant piece. It touched on something that really resonates with me which I would like to explore further. Selina, thank you for your vulnerability and willingness to share this.

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Oh Kate, thank you so much for sharing this with me in return. I was nervous about putting this out there. To know it has resonated and opened something up for you means it was worth doing it xx

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L O V E this so much. Love the practical way your family accepted your great grandmother’s gift. Love that you have given us practical advice for tapping in to our intuition. Love the example of the humans not seen as woo woo that accept it. Love that it’s not uncommon. Brilliant thank you👌🏼💫

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Ahhhh Sarah thank you! So glad this resonated with you. And of course it did 😉 makes me glad I had the courage to post it xx

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Jun 30Liked by Selina Barker

I'm happy to see ordinary people talking about this! I blocked my intuition a long time ago because I used to get premonitory dreams and I got scared as a child.

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Oh Ana, do you know what, I didn't include it in this post in the end (mainly because of word count!) but my grandmother had that too and it scared her also, so she didn't like the intuition she had. And I totally get it. She did also have strong hunches to go to family when they were in trouble so she was grateful for those moments of intuition but she didn't know how to navigate the premonitions. But there absolutely will be people who do it and in a grounded way. My intuition used to scare me too when I was younger. I think part of the journey can sometimes be figuring out how to place boundaries around it. I say this as someone exploring it too, not as an expert xx

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Thank you for sharing that! I'm trying to get back in touch with it and learning about other people's experiences is so helpful!

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Jul 1Liked by Selina Barker

Hi Ana, I also had a huge fear of my intuition (well, of ghosts actually!) as a child and well into adulthood. I've just started writing about it in a new Substack called Unspooked - I'm finding it really therapeutic to tell the story of my recovery. I would recommend writing about your experiences to help you get back in touch with your intuition (and let me know if you do because I'd love to follow!)

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Jul 3Liked by Selina Barker

Thank you for sharing your fears, Rose! I just subscribed to Unspooked. ❤️

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What a wonderful post. I have recently - finally - started opening up about my intuition and I feel an enormous weight lifting as I realise there are others like me out there. I've just started writing a new Substack publication about my journey to overcoming a debilitating lifelong fear of ghosts (!) and embracing my intuition. It's called Unspooked - please check it out if you're interested!

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Oh wow, well I have subscribed to both your publications now! Of course you are an untaught strategist - that's your intuition right there. Ooh and really looking forward to Unspooked! x

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Love this Selina thank you xxx

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oh Donna this means so much. Thank you. You were in my mind a lot as I wrote this. Seeing how grounded and humble you are in the way you use your intuition has taught me so much. And having you see the witch in me from the moment we met was also an important moment in my journey xxx

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